Services & Programs
The Membership Department provides services to help people apply to become a member of the Fort McMurray 468 First Nation, as well as other assistance.
Social Development Department
The Social Development department provides financial assistance to members requiring supports for their basic and special needs.
Community Wellness
The Fort McMurray First Nations envisions an integrated system of wellness services to support growth and healing for our Membership.
Education & Trades
Education helps shape our future leaders and educators and is a priority for Chief and Council.
Employment & Training
The employment department is committed to ensuring all Members are given the opportunities for growth through training and employment assistance.
Public Works & Housing
The Housing department deals with most issues concerning housing, including the maintenance of Nation-owned buildings.
Health Centre
Fort McMurray First Nation is committed to a healthy community by providing programs and services and developing action plans to address community wellness, addictions, health and disease prevention for our Members.