Quarterly Band Membership Meeting
Join us for our Quarterly Band Membership Meeting!
Edmonton Band Membership Meeting
Zoom Meeting: https://fmfn468.zoom.us/j/82449526676?pwd=SG10VUM0VzE0ZmFGSHFhUzlWOWZPQT09
Date: March 19, 2023
Where: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel West (Old Mayfield Hotel) 16615 109 Ave NW, Edmonton
Time: Doors open at 11:00 am
Local Band Membership Meeting
Zoom Meeting: https://fmfn468.zoom.us/j/82449526676?pwd=SG10VUM0VzE0ZmFGSHFhUzlWOWZPQT09
Date: March 25, 2023
Where: Camp Yogi (Anzac)
Time: Doors open at 11:00 am
A recording of the meetings will be made for those who are unable to attend.
This meeting is intended for Fort McMurray 468 First Nation Band Members Only!
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Main Administration Office by calling 780-334-2293, and we will gladly assist with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Hiy Hiy